
XProfiles Adult Affiliate Program The XProfiles adult affiliate program has closed without notice. Although no notice was given, the XProfiles program struggled with systemic problems for years prior to their eventual shuttering.

Despite its lack of tools and promotional content, the XProfiles adult affiliate program warrants a ‘good’ rating for their concept and high quality site design. XProfiles is a dating adult affiliate program with a distinct similarity in appearance to FaceBook, albeit in red and white versus the familiar blue and white. Although the program does not offer galleries in the traditional sense of the word, they do offer a selection of niche landing pages for affiliates to link to from their niche sites and blogs. In fact, their lack of content tools and traditional galleries yet an abundance of banner and ad tools suggests the XProfiles adult affiliate program relies almost entirely on ad placement by their affiliates.

About the XProfiles Program

Payment Structure: 65% RevShare, $20 PPS
Payment Schedule: Biweekly
Payment Methods: Check, FedEx, Paxum, and Wire.
Payment Minimum: $100

Program Features

Sites: 1XProfiles
Hosted Galleries: NO
Type of Content: Pics and Videos
Exclusive Content: YES
Updates: YES
RSS Feeds: NO
Morphing Feeds: NO
Tube Clips: NO
Mobile: NO
Content and Hosting: NO
Hosted TGP/MGP: NO
Trials: FREE to Register
Cross Sales: None


Affiliates looking for dating content to promote in the form of galleries, tube clips, or pretty much anything other than banner placement will probably want to pass on the XProfiles adult affiliate program. However, if you have adult web sites, tube sites or blogs in almost any niche and are looking to monetize them with enticing banners that point to a site that is more appealing than your average dating site, you may want to check out XProfiles.

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