
Did we give your affiliate program a good review and you would like to link back to us? First off, thank you! Second, congratulations! We know we can be brutally honest in our reviews, and if your program got a particularly good one, then we are of the opinion that you honestly deserve the recognition.

Please feel free to use these buttons to link to or otherwise promote QualityAdultAffiliates.com. If you need banners or buttons in other sizes, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Best Adult Affiliate Program Reviews

<a href=”https://qualityadultaffiliates.com/” title=”QualityAdultAffiliates.com”><img src=”YOUR_DOMAIN/quality_button.jpg” alt=”The Best Adult Affiliate Program Reviews” border=”1″></a>

The Best Adult Affiliate Program Reviews

<a href=”https://qualityadultaffiliates.com/” title=”QualityAdultAffiliates.com”><img src=”YOUR_DOMAIN/quality.jpg” alt=”The Best Adult Affiliate Program Reviews” border=”1″></a>

Please be advised, while adding a button/link back to Quality Adult Affiliates is greatly appreciated, favorable reviews are not for sale. By which, we mean that we are not willing to overlook what we perceive as serious flaws in any given affiliate program just because they have linked back to us. That would be counter-productive to the honest resource we are committed to building.

Also, as a special thank you to those programs who do choose to link back to us, we have started adding 150×250 webmaster banners in a random display script that appears at the top-right (in the ‘featured program’ box that appears above the fold) to give those programs some added exposure. A linked banner with a short blurb is randomly displayed with every page view. If you do choose to add one of our buttons and would like to see your program featured here as well, please provide a 150×250 webmaster banner that you would like to be featured. We do request that it is 2257 compliant, ie no genitals.

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