
Cosplay content is sexy dress-up that can be likened to parody content without any sort of pretense to a story-line. That said, cosplay content is typically more soft-core and often limited to photos of the costumed models posing in various stages of undress – though there are exceptions. As such, there are several adult affiliate programs with sites devoted to cosplay content. These sites run the gamut from detailed recreations of your copyrighted characters from film and screen to more general genre based fantasy figures. For those affiliates looking to make more money promoting the cosplay niche, here you will find a frequently updated list of the best quality adult affiliate programs with cosplay niche sites and content.

This list of adult affiliate programs with cosplay content sites is organized alphabetically with the thumbnail images on the left linked to our reviews of the respective affiliate programs so you can learn more about what they each have to offer, followed by listings of the programs’ adult sites with cosplay content, and lastly links that will take you directly to the sponsor programs so that you may join.

Program Review List of Sponsors Sites With Cosplay Content Join Program
AVRevenue Adult Affiliate Program Nu Cosplay Join AVRevenue
Feet4Cash Adult Affiliate Program Cosplay Feet Join Feet4Cash
IdolBucks Adult Affiliate Program J Cos Play Join IdolBucks
ManicaMoney Adult Affiliate Program Cosplay Babes Join ManicaMoney
MOAR Offers Adult Affiliate Program VR Cosplay X Join MOAR Offers
True Beauty Cash Adult Affiliate Program Sinful Goddesses Join True Beauty Cash
Tsunami Cash Adult Affiliate Program Cospuri Join Tsunami Cash
Program Review List of Sponsors Sites With Cosplay Content Join Program

About this List of Cosplay Content Sponsors

It bears repeating that this list of cosplay sponsors is an ongoing work in progress to help affiliates find the best money making programs with cosplay content. Sponsors are regularly added to this list as we add new reviews of programs with cosplay content sites, or those programs whom we have already reviewed adding new sites fitting the cosplay niche.

Additionally, in the interest of providing affiliates with only the best adult programs with cosplay content, from time to time programs will be removed from the list. Typically, this decision is the result of sites and/or programs unfortunately closing, but we also remove the listings of those programs that give all appearance to holding no interest or being of declining popularity with affiliates as well. Should programs be caught engaging in fraudulent activity that we feel is against the interest of those affiliates promoting them in good faith, they will likewise be stricken from this list. Programs that have been removed can be found in the ‘Removed’ category along with the reason(s) for our decision.

If you are looking for a list of ALL adult affiliate programs with cosplay sites and content, this is not it. We would suggest you visit one of those other sponsor list sites that do not seem to much care whether or not they refer you to a disreputable program. However, if you are looking to save yourself some time and effort with a vetted list of only the best cosplay niche affiliate programs, then look no further.