VenusCash is a relatively small adult affiliate program that would best be described as fitting the female muscle and body builder niche. Venus – the namesake and “host” if you will of the sites and program – is a busty beauty with an affinity for sports and fitness. Apparently, she makes use of her contacts and reputation in the arena of competitive bodybuilding to secure new fitness models. Additionally, it would also seem that she has some talent at photography, as at one point on the program tour it says that she is the photographer of all of the exclusive content found throughout. [Review updated 08/19/2020]
Join the VenusCash Adult Affiliate Program
About the VenusCash Program
- Payment Structure: 50% RevShare, 60% PPS
- Payment Schedule: Monthly
- Payment Methods: Check, PayPal
- Payment Minimum: $50
Program Features
- Sites: 7 – Hover here to view them.
- Hosted Galleries: YES
- Type of Content: Pics and Videos – WMV
- Exclusive Content: YES
- Updates: YES
- RSS Feeds: YES
- Morphing Feeds: NO
- Tube Clips: YES
- Mobile: YES
- Content and Hosting: NO
- Hosted TGP/MGP: NO
- Hosted POTD/VOTD: NO
- Trials: NO
- Cross Sales: None
Five of the seven sites are devoted exclusively to female fitness models, one site offers a mix of that plus general hardcore content, and the seventh site is devoted to the vintage niche. We should point out that several of the sites are little more than landing pages – the kind of sites that might have passed for a paysite back in the late ’90’s but are rather underwhelming by today’s standards. However, their dated appearance is somewhat excusable as the program has been around that long. We suspect those affiliates interested in the female muscle niche will primarily be interested in the program’s flagship site Land Of Venus which showcases all of the fitness ladies as well as Venus’ own hardcore content. We should add that this is the only site for which the program provides an RSS feed.
As far as available promotional tools, there are quite a few embedded videos – last updated several months ago, but not so long as to rule out future additions. Coincidentally, there was a brand new hosted gallery added just days before this writing, but it was months before that when regular additions abruptly ceased. We hope that the latest addition marks the return to regular promo updates, but cannot say for certain.
The fitness model niche is a bit of an under-saturated micro-niche, so much so in fact that there is really no established name for the niche: buff babes, fitness models, body-builder porn, girls with muscles – you get the idea. As a general rule, content where there is not a whole lot of competition in the niche typically equates to much more money with considerably less effort. But you wouldn’t be interested in that, would you?