The WebCashMaker adult affiliate program has closed without notice. All of the sites as well as the program are returning 503 errors or being redirected.
WebCashMaker is an excellent adult affiliate programs for exclusive self shot and candid amateur content. While similar to CandidResources, of the two programs we would say that WebCashMaker is the best, mainly because the content is obviously updated more regularly. We also appreciate that the high quality galleries don’t look like galleries so much as pages from inside their corresponding sites so click-throughs are generally higher. Speaking of the sites, it should be noted that they are built more along the lines of forums than traditional adult sites which is an interesting approach if you want to offer your surfers something different.
About the WebCashMaker Program
Payment Structure: 50% RevShare, $35 PPS
Payment Schedule: Weekly
Payment Methods: CCBill
Payment Minimum: $25 (CCBill)
Program Features
Sites: 7 – Hover here to view them.
Hosted Galleries: YES
Type of Content: High Res Pics and Videos – AVI, MPEG, WMV
Exclusive Content: YES
Updates: YES
RSS Feeds: NO
Morphing Feeds: NO
Tube Clips: NO
Mobile: NO
Content and Hosting: Content YES, hosting NO.
Hosted TGP/MGP: NO
Trials: NO
Cross Sales: 1, pre-checked.
As noted above, the WebCashMaker sites appear more like forums than the more traditional adult sites, which may be a good or a bad thing from your own perspective. Personally, we like giving our surfers variety as one size definitely does not fit all. An added benefit to the forum structure is that members are continually adding their own content to the pages between updates, so there is always something new to entice them to retain their membership.
WebCashMaker uses CCBill for tracking and payments so affiliates can be relatively assured that no shaving or skimming shenanigans are taking place. Affiliates will also be pleased to note that there are no canonical links or robots.txt files to further hinder the affiliate, though as a CCBill program tracking is accomplished via cookies and not hard links with webmaster id’s, and galleries lack practically any useful descriptive text.