Apparently, the Adult Art Network adult affiliate program has closed without notice. The sites and program all redirect to parked pages.
Although the site tours need an overhaul, we have to say that Adult Art Network is one of the best adult affiliate programs for quality toon content. It should be noted that most of the content is non-exclusive, though the variety of styles offers something to please nearly any toon fan. While much of the same content can be found in other toon programs, the better quality galleries and tools make promoting Adult Art Network considerably easier. Sadly, this program recently discontinued their use of CCBill for tracking and sales, so affiliates who had previously signed up via CCBill will need to change their linking codes.
About the Adult Art Network Program
Payment Structure: 51-60% RevShare
Payment Schedule: Weekly
Payment Methods: Check, Paxum and Wire.
Payment Minimum: $100
Program Features
Sites: 12 – Hover here to view them.
Hosted Galleries: YES
Type of Content: High Res Pics and Videos – AVI
Exclusive Content: YES
Updates: YES
RSS Feeds: YES
Morphing Feeds: YES
Tube Clips: YES
Mobile: NO
Content and Hosting: Content YES, hosting NO.
Hosted TGP/MGP: NO
Trials: NO
Cross Sales: None
Although Adult Art Network has discontinued the use of CCBill, affiliates still benefit from weekly payouts but the minimum has been raised from $25 to $100. Additionally affiliates will earn 60% of all sales versus the 51% through CCBill. While most CCBill programs rely entirely on cookies to track visitors, usually resulting in the webmaster ID being dropped from the referred URL thus zero chance of the affiliates link being indexed plus a decreased chance of making sales off of bookmarkers, the webmaster IDs are passed along in hard links to the Adult Art Network sites. Additionally, unlike most other CCBill programs, many of the hosted galleries provided by this program contain unique text scene descriptions which not only provide affiliates with a basis for writing their own copy but also assist in getting galleries indexed.
As first mentioned, my only objection to the Adult Art Network affiliate program is their tour designs – they mainly resemble what we call splash pages – single pages offering little clue to the quality and quantity of content members might find inside. We imagine many surfers encountering such tours will close the page and consider looking elsewhere rather than risk the chance of joining a site with little and/or poor quality content. Although many of the sites do offer good previews of the content found therein, we imagine many visitors are initially lost due to the tours initial appearance. In short, affiliates looking for a trustworthy adult program in the toon niche offering good tools and text rich galleries would benefit from adding Adult Art Network to the programs they promote.